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Sand dunes of the Sahara Africa

They're hills or small mountains made entirely from very small grains of sand that are formed by the wind and can move for tens of meters during major desert storms but still never leave their known areas! They've fascinated many non-Saharan people as the most exotic if not dangerous of all desert landforms! Myths have been told about them and offroaders —in their shining armored 4x4s— have feared them for long.
Although they appear on coastal zones in many places around the world (England, Africa, China, Egypt (elBorollos), etc), we'll be mostly talking here about the inland desert ones . Dunes types, names, locations, strange characteristics will be explained.
   The article here is based on our SaharaSafaris community's extensive experience of traveling in the Sahara and seems to have become a very popular source of info on Google. Your feedback email is appreciated.
Sand dunes of the Sahara
Sand dunes of the Sahara
Sand dunes of the Sahara
Sand dunes of the Sahara
Sand dunes of the Sahara
Sand dunes of the Sahara


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