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City of Angkor Cambodia

The ancient city of Angkor in Cambodia is one of the great ancient temple ruins in southeast Asia and is one of the wonders of the world. Built between 879 AD and 1191 AD, when the Khmer civilization was at the height of its power. Angkor represents their most astonishing and enduring architectural achievements. From there, the kings of the Khmer empire ruled over a vast empire that is now southern Vietnam to Yunnan, China and from Vietnam westward to the Thailand and Burma. Angkor consisted of more than a hundred temple complexes and all that is left today are the surviving religious remains of a great capital of a great empire consisting of palaces, public buildings, and houses.

Lost to the jungle for almost another 1000 years, the lost city of Angkor was rediscovered by a French explorer in 1860. Now with peace finally upon Cambodia, the attractions at Angkor have become more accessible. Up until about 4 years ago, several of Angkor's temples still lay within the control of Khmer Rouge rebel groups. Land mines still litter the entire countryside but the tourist access areas have been cleared.

Angkor was listed as one of the UNESCO's World Heritage Sites in 1992.

Remember the movie Tomb Raider? - the first one a couple of years back? Angelina Jolie? Angkor was the place where it was filmed.
 City of Angkor Cambodia
 City of Angkor Cambodia
 City of Angkor Cambodia
 City of Angkor Cambodia
 City of Angkor Cambodia
 City of Angkor Cambodia
City of Angkor Cambodia


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